Monday, December 14, 2015

One on One Coaching

Want a spot? Just email with the subject "New Year" or fill in this short form

I'm absolutely in love with one on one customized health coaching! What does that even mean?
I'm basically your biggest advocate for healthy living! Being an ER nurse I see too many people with too many preventable illnesses and diseases so I became a coach to help people in the preventative stages of healthcare! 

I'm not a nutritionist or a personal trainer, I'm an ER nurse with a passion for healthy living :) I utilize a LARGE catalog of workouts put together by multiple certified trainers to make sure we pair you with the right one.  (I used to HATE exercise before I found the right style of workout for me) Then we focus on your nutrition utilizing an easy to use nutrition plan, which has been created by nutritionists. I help you utilize the plan to make simple lifestyle changes that over time make a huge impact! 

Over the past 4 years I've helped hundreds of people get started on their journey and I'm looking forward to helping YOU in 2016! The special part to what I've been doing most recently is my one on one coaching. This is a simple 10-15 minute phone call each week where you and I go over your goals, what's going well and what obstacles you need help overcoming in the week ahead! We create a plan for the week and then come back the next week to review and adjust :) This simple call has made a huge impact on clients making sure they stay on track and get help through the tough times!

Want a spot in my next Session for January 2016? Sign ups are happening now! Just email with the subject "New Year" and we can start talking about your goals :)

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