Saturday, September 13, 2014

You aren't alone, I struggle too

I don't know why this is, but from talking with friends, family and so many people on social media, I've found us women, just don't feel comfortable in our own skin! It's a daily struggle for so many people and while I've learned to overcome it most days, I still have days when I struggle too! When you think "How does this make me look,?" "Why does this shirt lay that way?" "That totally makes me look like a whale" and on and on and on... Wonder why you feel so bad about yourself all the time? It's because you're being so MEAN to yourself! Stop beating yourself up and stop focusing on a look and start to go for a feeling and behaviors....what in the world do I mean by that? Here are some guidelines to help you ditch the negative self-talk and start living a more positive life:

1. When you catch yourself saying something bad about yourself, STOP and think about the things you're DOING daily that are positive :) Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, eating a nutritious lunch, exercising for 30 minutes, focus on the positive :) 

2. Focus on others. This is hard because we are naturally selfish people, but start focusing on others and how you can HELP others: lend a helping hand to someone in need, give out a random compliment to a stranger, pray for a friend in need, etc :) 

3. PRAY. The power of prayer is like no other power I know. This key component is what has helped me the most over the past few years. Be thankful for this body that God has given you and remember you have been made in HIS image. Don't talk down about what God made! (that's YOU)

What tip are you going to try out today? Any other tips that have helped you feel better about yourself?

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