Monday, September 1, 2014

Hey guys, I'm 25! And so pumped for the year ahead!

Idk about for you, but birthdays for me are a time to reminisce. Crazy right?! For many of you, you may be thinking "You're only 25?! You're such a baby!" Well for me, it's kind of a big deal, specifically because my life is so FAR from what I ever thought it would be at this moment!

When I started my 20s just 5 years ago, I was probably one of the most negative people you could husband (boyfriend at the time) actually used to tell me I always had a "complaint of the day" Seriously, that's how negative I was, ALWAYS complaining: school was hard, I had to get an A, I had to be the better, work the hardest, I didn't have time, blah blah blah blah blah...."woe is me" was always me.

NOW I'm 25 and have realized I can achieve absolutely anything I want AND I can help other people do the same! It's probably the most freeing realization I've ever had. This year alone at the age of 24 my husband and I were able to buy a home we're in love with (on one income), pay off 2/3rds of student loan debt (did I mention we only had 1 steady income?), go PART TIME as an ER nurse (PS this WAS the steady income) and get off of night shift (my biggest dream ever that I had no idea how to accomplish just 1 year ago), find my husband his dream job, and most importantly I started to....DREAM BIGGER!

Please do NOT feel like I am bragging, I'm not at all, I want YOU to know that YOU can do anything you dream of....the difference is ALL attitude! Bringing positivity into my life and kicking out the negative has DRASTICALLY changed my life! Dreaming BIG and making a plan to get there has helped me achieve my crazy dreams and helped me dream even bigger!

It wasn't all rainbows and lollipops, it was a year of sacrifice, crying, 70+ hour work weeks and LOTS of prayer. I truly believe God gives us obstacles so we can overcome them and come out stronger than ever! I've owned my own fitness/health coaching business from the time I was 21, but it took until the age of 24 to realize what God has put me here on earth to do. Yes I am a nurse, I will always be a nurse, but I'm quickly realizing WHY God put me into nursing....He did it to show me that I need to be on the forefront of preventative healthcare!

I'm here to help others get HEALTHY! It's not about crazy fast results or the new fab workout or diet plan. For me it's about teaching others that a healthy lifestyle isn't boring, it's the exact opposite, it's FUN and INSPIRING! I get to workout at home with no one to judge me, eat better than I ever have with little cravings for the bad stuff and be surrounded by people who are striving to do the same things! It's a DREAM :)

At the beginning of 2014 I committed to helping change 100 lives and I'm getting close to my number, but the number doesn't matter, just as long as I'm doing God's mission to help people realize their selfworth, their drive, their motivation to be health, that's what my life is about! This 25th year of life is going to be even better than the last because of the people who will come into my life and who are already here. God is so good, you just have to ask Him for help when you need it! He knows about the choices you have and He wants you to live a long and prosperous life! Sorry for all of the "!" I'm just so excited about what's in the year to come :) Keep learning everyday and keep DREAMING, but don't stop there...make a plan so you can actually LIVE your dream!


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