Thursday, August 7, 2014

I HATE Exercising

Well at least that's what I used to say, I really did! I associated it with punishment because of sports I played as a kid. If we didn't do something right, we ran, hence I still to this day don't run haha. Anyways I'm not lying at all when I say I hated it, I really did, but it's because I hadn't found a workout/exercise that made me feel AMAZING yet!
It doesn't have to be like that though :) The key is to find something that looks like fun and give it a try. Yes sometimes you'll end up in a turbokick class way off beat, kicking when you're supposed to punch or doing a jumping jack when everyone else is on the floor doing a burpee, but it's OK! The point is you'll never know what works for you until you try it out. 
Start out small. Create a schedule written out on your calendar or typed into your phone of your workouts for at least 4 days per week (this is what I did when I started working out in college). In my mind 4 days/week is most of the days of the week and anything more than that is a bonus (sidenote: I rarely did bonus workouts ;) ) Anyways, start out with 4 days/week and try out 1 workout at a time, try it for 30 days and if it isn't the right fit, try a new one the next month! There are TONS of different workouts you can do. Check pinterest, look at the ones I've done, seek out classes at your local gym, just get moving at least 4 days/week and find your soulmate workout :) Every person is different, what you love I might hate and what I love you might hate, but there is something out there for everyone to stay consistent and get into awesome shape with! I'd love to see what your favorite workouts are! Comment below in the comments section to let us know :) 

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